The WRDGA Cancelation Policy: You may cancel your registration up to 14 days prior for a full refund, less the Golf Genius (GG) sign-up fee of $5. If you cancel one week prior, you will receive a 50% refund, again less the GG sign-up fee of $10. No refunds will be given after that. Extraordinary exceptions due to medical and personal issues will be reviewed by the Committee for consideration of partial refund where allowed. Weather, change of plans, not liking your pairing, etc. are not reasons of merit to cancel within the last week to receive a refund. It is so much more work than you probably realize to just “re-flight” because your new partner is a 20 and your old one was a 5. IF you can find a sub that is of equal or higher handicap, they can sub within that week. That means if your original partner was a 12 and your new partner is a 21, they will still only receive 12 strokes. You cannot sub a lower index player, no exceptions. Please understand how difficult it is when people cancel. It changes the entire set up. The tee sheet, cart signs, the flights and pay outs all must be redone. It creates a lot of frustration and additional work for our team. Please do your best to always play in an event that you signed up for and cancel as soon as possible, if you change your mind.
Golf Genius Information for The WRDGA: 1.Posting a.The WRDGA will always post your score. It may take 1-2 days after play before posted to ensure that all errors are caught. 2.Live Scoring a.We use live scoring at all our events. b.You are required to begin updating within your first 3 holes and to maintain imputing your scores, consistently throughout the round. c.Only one person, per group, should be updating the scoring. All players can access the leaderboard for viewing. 3.Handicaps a.You can access where you stroke through the scorecard. i.Log in to the event. ii.Go to the side menu and choose “scorecard” iii.Flip your phone horizontally and you can see all the holes you get your strokes on. You can then manually make your own scorecard, with the clubs given card, for viewing, if that is your preference. 4.Results a.Golf Genius does not recognize winners the way our events do. b.If you win the Overall Low Gross, you are removed from winning it in your flight. Golf Genius cannot perform this function. i.This means, we must manually do the results after the event for announcements. ii.We must then update Golf Genius once the event is over to reflect the correct results. We work hard to try and have this done within a day of an event, but appreciate patience during the update.