Women's Rochester District Golf Association

The purpose of the WRDGA is to represent, promote, and serve the best interest of amateur golf as embodied in its traditions. Our objectives are to further the advancement of golf, to recognize and develop skilled amateur female golfers, and to promote good sportsmanship and friendly competition.
The control and management of the WRDGA and its activities are entrusted to a Board of Directors, composed of the Officers, Chairwomen of the standing committees, and Club Representatives. Officers are elected every two years. All member clubs are represented by club representatives who are entrusted to act as the voice of their clubs to the WRDGA as well as the voice of the WRDGA to their clubs. Club representatives bring forward any ideas, suggestions for changes, questions or comments to the annual Association and Club Representatives meetings for discussion and possible consideration.
Golfers who belong to the Women's Association of a WRDGA member club and who obtain an individual membership in the WRDGA are eligible to play in all WRDGA scheduled events. Players please note: individuals wishing to
establish and maintain a handicap must do so through a member club.